CSDB glycosyltransferase search

6 glycosyltransferase activities have been found.
Please note that CSDB GT database covers only a few species: Arabidopsis thaliana, Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Acinetobacter baumannii.

Enzyme / Gene Activity Object References
Enzyme name: 89C1
UniProt ID: Q9LNE6.1
CAZy family: GT1

Gene name: AT1G06000
Gene GenBank ID: 837109
Synthesized dimer: aLRhap(1-7)Quercetin

Donor (ID 35148): ?LRhap(1-P-P-5)xXnucU

Acceptor (ID 35299): bDGlcp(1-3)xXQuercetin

Status: direct evidence in vivo
Confirmation methods: in vitro (purified protein), mutation, expression in E.coli (as whole-cell biocatalyst)
ID: 1651
Notes: NC: f6. 89C1 takes part in synthesis of bDGlcp(1-3)[aLRhap(1-7)]xXQuercetin (f6)
and ?LRhap(1-2)bDGlcp(1-3)[aLRhap(1-7)]xXQuercetin (f8).
Organism (ID 12415): Arabidopsis thaliana
Expressed in: E. coli; leaf, stem, root, flower bud, flower

Full structure (ID 26062):

CSDB ID(s): 60893, 60903, 60957, 62451, 67468, 67591, 67617, 67738, 67838, 67865, 139112, 146628
Kim et al. 2013a
DOI: 10.1007/s00253-013-4844-7

Yonekura-Sakakibara et al. 2007
DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M611498200

Kuhn et al. 2016
DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M115.701565

Roepke et al. 2013
DOI: 10.1002/cbic.201300474
Synthesized dimer: aLRhap(1-7)Quercetin

Donor (ID 35148): ?LRhap(1-P-P-5)xXnucU

Acceptor (ID 35300): ??Galp(1-3)xXQuercetin

Status: evidence in vitro
Confirmation methods: in vitro (purified protein)
ID: 1652
Organism (ID 12415): Arabidopsis thaliana
Organ/tissue: leaf, stem, root, flower bud, flower

Full structure (ID 35301):
Yonekura-Sakakibara et al. 2007
DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M611498200
Synthesized dimer: aLRhap(1-7)Quercetin

Donor (ID 35148): ?LRhap(1-P-P-5)xXnucU

Acceptor (ID 35302): aLRhap(1-3)xXQuercetin

Status: evidence in vitro
Confirmation methods: in vitro (purified protein)
ID: 1653
Notes: NC: f5.
Organism (ID 12415): Arabidopsis thaliana
Organ/tissue: leaf, stem, root, flower bud, flower

Full structure (ID 26064):

CSDB ID(s): 60902, 60956, 62453, 67469, 67741, 139114, 146630
Synthesized dimer: aLRhap(1-7)Quercetin

Donor (ID 35148): ?LRhap(1-P-P-5)xXnucU

Acceptor (ID 35303): ?LRhap(1-6)bDGlcp(1-3)xXQuercetin

Status: evidence in vitro
Confirmation methods: in vitro (purified protein)
ID: 1654
Organism (ID 12415): Arabidopsis thaliana
Organ/tissue: leaf, stem, root, flower bud, flower

Full structure (ID 35304):
Synthesized dimer: aLRhap(1-7)Quercetin

Donor (ID 35294): bLRhap(1-P-P-5)xXnucU

Acceptor (ID 34846): xXQuercetin

Status: evidence in vitro
Confirmation methods: expression in E.coli (as whole-cell biocatalyst); in vitro (purified protein); im vitro (mutation)
ID: 1665
Notes: When coexpressed with UDP-L-rhamnose synthase AtRHM1, which catalyzes the synthesis
of UDP-L-rhamnose from UDP-D-glucose; presumably, 89C1 can use pools of both
TDP-L-rhamnose and UDP-L-rhamnose present in such recombinant bacteria.
Organism (ID 12415): Arabidopsis thaliana
Expressed in: E. coli; leaf, stem, root, flower bud, flower

Full structure (ID 35312):
Zong et al. 2019b
DOI: 10.1111/tpj.14321

Yonekura-Sakakibara et al. 2007
DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M611498200

Parajuli et al. 2015
DOI: 10.1016/j.carres.2015.09.010

Thapa et al. 2019
DOI: 10.1007/s00253-019-10060-5
Synthesized dimer: aLRhap(1-7)Quercetin

Donor (ID 35217): ?LRhap(1-P-P-5)xXnucT

Acceptor (ID 34846): xXQuercetin

Status: evidence in vitro
Confirmation methods: expression in E.coli (as whole-cell biocatalyst)
ID: 1666
Organism (ID 12415): Arabidopsis thaliana
Expressed in: E. coli; leaf, stem, root, flower bud, flower

Full structure (ID 35312):
Yonekura-Sakakibara et al. 2007
DOI: 10.1074/jbc.M611498200

Parajuli et al. 2015
DOI: 10.1016/j.carres.2015.09.010

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