Found 3 organisms. Displayed organisms from 1 to 3
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1. (Organism ID: 17245)
Escherichia coli IA2 on a lifemap
(NCBI TaxID 1, species name lookup)
Taxonomic group: unspecified

No compounds are assigned to this organism (you searched for an associated organism but selected a HOST organism; or this is a virtual organism)
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2. (Organism ID: 17229)
Escherichia coli J96 on a lifemap
(NCBI TaxID 1206108, species name lookup)
Taxonomic group: bacteria
Phylum: Pseudomonadota

No compounds are assigned to this organism (you searched for an associated organism but selected a HOST organism; or this is a virtual organism)
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3. (Organism ID: 17225)
Escherichia coli R45 on a lifemap
(NCBI TaxID 1, species name lookup)
Taxonomic group: unspecified

No compounds are assigned to this organism (you searched for an associated organism but selected a HOST organism; or this is a virtual organism)
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