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1. (CSDB ID: 10874)
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Kasimova AA, Cahill SM, Shpirt AM, Dudnik AG, Shneider MM, Popova AV, Shelenkov AA, Mikhailova YV, Chizhov AO, Kenyon JJ, Knirel YA
The K139 capsular polysaccharide produced by Acinetobacter baumannii MAR17-1041 belongs to a group of related structures including K14, K37 and K116
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 193(PtB) (2021) 2297-2302
Structure from CSDB record 10874 Show legend
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Acinetobacter baumannii K116 on a lifemap
(Ancestor NCBI TaxID 470, species name lookup)

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