Taxonomic group: bacteria / Proteobacteria
(Phylum: Proteobacteria)
Host organism: Bos taurus
Associated disease: bovine keratoconjunctivitis
The structure was elucidated in this paperNCBI PubMed ID: 30032028Publication DOI: 10.1016/j.carres.2018.07.002Journal NLM ID: 0043535Publisher: Elsevier
Correspondence: jennifer.wilson
Institutions: Menzies Health Institute Queensland, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia, Institute for Glycomics, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia, School of Medical Science, Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia, College of Life Science, Shandong Normal University, Jinan, PR China
The Gram-negative bovine pathogen Moraxella bovis is a causative agent of Infectious bovine keratoconjunctivitis, 'pink-eye' that affects cattle. Here we report that strain L183/2 has the same capsular polysaccharide (CPS) of unsulfated chondroitin, as does strain Mb25, whereas strain Epp63 does not express CPS. NMR analysis of the oligosaccharides (OS) derived from the lipooligosaccharides (LOS) in these three strains by NMR has shown that strain Mb25 and Epp63 have the same OS structure with a terminal N-acetylgalactosamine ((1S)-GalaNAc) residue →4,6-linked. Strain L183/2 lacks the (1 S)-GalaNAc residue. The biological role of M. bovis LOS was assessed by comparing the LOS from strains Epp63, Mb25 and L183/2 and truncated Epp63 LOS variants. LOS truncation affected M. bovis growth rate, susceptibility to antibiotics, detergents, bovine serum bactericidal activity, endotoxicity and adherence to HeLa cells.
capsular polysaccharide, NMR spectroscopy, endotoxin, lipooligosaccharide (LOS), Moraxella bovis, Structural characterisation, Bovine keratoconjunctivitis
Structure type: polymer chemical repeating unit
Location inside paper: p.3, table S1
Trivial name: chondroitin
Compound class: CPS
Contained glycoepitopes: IEDB_115136,IEDB_130648,IEDB_137473,IEDB_140630,IEDB_153510,IEDB_423153
Methods: 13C NMR, 1H NMR, NMR-2D, sugar analysis, acid hydrolysis, SEC, biological activity assays, bactericidal activity assay
Related record ID(s): 12795, 12796
NCBI Taxonomy refs (TaxIDs): 476Reference(s) to other database(s): GTC:G43702JT, GlycomeDB:
Show glycosyltransferases
NMR conditions: in D2O at 298 K
[as TSV]
13C NMR data:
Linkage Residue C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
3 bDGlcpA 107.05 75.12 76.38 82.80 77.96 ?
2 Ac ? 25.09
bDGalpN 103.79 53.78 82.80 70.56 77.70 63.76
1H NMR data:
Linkage Residue H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
3 bDGlcpA 4.56 3.40 3.65 3.84 3.83 -
2 Ac - 2.05
bDGalpN 4.54 4.04 3.84 4.15 3.73 3.82
1H/13C HSQC data:
Linkage Residue C1/H1 C2/H2 C3/H3 C4/H4 C5/H5 C6/H6
3 bDGlcpA 107.05/4.56 75.12/3.40 76.38/3.65 82.80/3.84 77.96/3.83
2 Ac 25.09/2.05
bDGalpN 103.79/4.54 53.78/4.04 82.80/3.84 70.56/4.15 77.70/3.73 63.76/3.82
1H NMR data:
Linkage | Residue | H1 | H2 | H3 | H4 | H5 | H6 |
3 | bDGlcpA | 4.56 | 3.40 | 3.65 | 3.84 | 3.83 |
2 | Ac |
| 2.05 | |
| bDGalpN | 4.54 | 4.04 | 3.84 | 4.15 | 3.73 | 3.82 |
13C NMR data:
Linkage | Residue | C1 | C2 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 |
3 | bDGlcpA | 107.05 | 75.12 | 76.38 | 82.80 | 77.96 | ? |
2 | Ac | ? | 25.09 | |
| bDGalpN | 103.79 | 53.78 | 82.80 | 70.56 | 77.70 | 63.76 |
 The spectrum also has 2 signals at unknown positions (not plotted). |
There is only one chemically distinct structure: