Development of new effective antifungal drugs is limited by the absence of specific target sites in the fungal cells. Knowledge of the fungal cell wall structure and biosynthesis is of interest in searching for a potential target site for new chemotherapeutic agents. Our group has demonstrated that the fungal cell wall is a metabolically active structure where interaction between distinct components occurs to give rise to the mature cell wall structure. Mannoproteins play an essential role in the cell wall organization, and there is evidence for the formation of covalent bonds between these molecules and the structural polymers (glucans and chitin) outside the plasma membrane. Such interactions, which specifically occur at the fungal cell wall, are of great interest in defining target sites for potential new chemotherapeutic agents, which may inhibit the interactions and, thus, lead to a defective cell wall formation and cell death.
monoclonal antibodies, cell walls, Candida albicans, mannoproteins, antifungal drugs, protoplasts
Journal NLM ID: 7905840Publisher: Oxford, Elmsford, NY: Pergamon Press
Institutions: Seceio de Microbiologia, Facultat de Farmacia, Universitat de Valencia, Avgda Vieent Andres Estelles s/n, 46100-Burjassot, Valencia, Spain