Deamination of LPSs from Klebsiella pneumoniae released O-chain polysaccharides together with a fragment of the core oligosaccharide. The structures of the products from serotypes O1, O2a, O2a,c, O3, O4, O5, and O12 were determined by NMR spectroscopy and chemical methods, identifying the linkage region between the O antigens and the core as well as novel residues at the non-reducing ends of the polysaccharides. All serotypes had an identical linkage between the O chain and core.
lipopolysaccharides, oligosaccharide, structure, core oligosaccharide, NMR spectroscopy, O-antigens, linkage, region, O-chain, Klebsiella pneumoniae, reducing
NCBI PubMed ID: 11986326Journal NLM ID: 2985121RPublisher: Baltimore, MD: American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Institutions: Institute for Biological Sciences, National Research Council, Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6, Canada, Department of Microbiology, University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario N1G 2W1, Canada, Carlsberg Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Gamle Carlsberg Vej 10, DK-2500 Valby, Copenhagen, Denmark
Methods: NMR-2D, NMR, serological methods, genetic methods