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1. (CSDB ID: 30673)
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Shashkov AS, Senchenkova SN, Popova AV, Mei Z, Shneider MM, Liu B, Miroshnikov KA, Volozhantsev NV, Knirel YA
Revised structure of the capsular polysaccharide of Acinetobacter baumannii LUH5533 (serogroup O1), containing di-N-acetyllegionaminic acid
Russian Chemical Bulletin = Izvestiia Akademii nauk. Seriia khimicheskaia (5) (2015) 1196-1199
Structure from CSDB record 30673 Show legend
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Acinetobacter baumannii LUH5533 on a lifemap
(Ancestor NCBI TaxID 470, species name lookup)

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