Taxonomic group: fungi / Basidiomycota
(Phylum: Basidiomycota)
Organ / tissue: mycelium,
fruiting body
NCBI PubMed ID: 34500837Publication DOI: 10.3390/molecules26175404Journal NLM ID: 100964009Publisher: Basel, Switzerland: MDPI
Correspondence: Klimaszewska M <marzenna.klimaszewska>; Górska S <sandra.gorska>; Dawidowski M <maciej.dawidowski>; Górska S <sabina.gorska>; Łapienis G <lapienis>; Kaleta B <beata.kaleta>; Zagożdżon R <radoslaw.zagozdzon>; Kaszowska M <marta.kaszowska>; Gamian A <andrzej.gamian>; Górski A <andrzej.gorski>; Turło J <jadwiga.turlo>
Institutions: Department of Drug Technology and Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, Bacteriophage Laboratory, Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland, Department of Clinical Immunology, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, Microbiome Immunobiology Laboratory, Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland, Division of Polymers, Centre of Molecular and Macromolecular Studies, Polish Academy of Sciences, Łodz, Poland, Laboratory of Microbial Immunochemistry and Vaccines, Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland, Medical Microbiology Laboratory, Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland
We previously described the biosynthesis, isolation, and immunosuppressive activity of the selenium-containing polysaccharide fraction isolated from the mycelial culture of Lentinula edodes. Structural studies have shown that the fraction was a protein-containing mixture of high molar mass polysaccharides α- and β-glucans. However, which of the components of the complex fraction is responsible for the immunosuppressive activity non-typical for polysaccharides of fungal origin has not been explained. In the current study, we defined four-polysaccharide components of the Se-containing polysaccharide fraction determined their primary structure and examined the effect on T- and B-cell proliferation. The isolated Se-polysaccharides, α-1,4-glucan (Mw 2250000 g/mol), unbranched β-1,6-D-glucan, unbranched β-1,3-D-glucan and β-1,3-branched β-1,6-D-glucan (Mw 110000 g/mol), are not typical as components of the cell wall of L. edodes. All are biologically active, but the inhibitory effect of the isolated polysaccharides on lymphocyte proliferation was weaker, though more selective than that of the crude fraction.
polysaccharides, T lymphocyte, Lentinula edodes, immunosuppressant, Se-containing polysaccharide
Structure type: homopolymer
Location inside paper: FIg. 2, A, Table 1
Trivial name: methyl glucose lipopolysaccharide, glucan, maltosaccharide, α-1,4-D-glucan, amylose, α-glucan, glycogen backbone, α-(1,4)-glucan, starch, α-(1-4)-glucan, starch, glycogen
Compound class: EPS, O-polysaccharide, CPS, cell wall polysaccharide, glucan, polysaccharide, methyl glucose lipopolysaccharide
Contained glycoepitopes: IEDB_140629,IEDB_142488,IEDB_144998,IEDB_146664,IEDB_420417,IEDB_420418,IEDB_420421,IEDB_857742,IEDB_983931,SB_192
Methods: 13C NMR, 1H NMR, NMR-2D, methylation, GLC-MS, 31P NMR, acid hydrolysis, biological assays, radiolabeling, radioactivity measurement, GPC, ion-exchange chromatography, extraction, acetylation, methylation analysis, reduction, RP-HPLC, precipitation, derivatization, Sevag method
Related record ID(s): 40988, 40989, 40990
NCBI Taxonomy refs (TaxIDs): 5353Reference(s) to other database(s): GTC:G05740LL, GlycomeDB:
12100, CCSD:
4943, CBank-STR:819
Show glycosyltransferases
NMR conditions: in D2O at 298 K
[as TSV]
13C NMR data:
Linkage Residue C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6
aDGlcp 99.7 71.6 73.4 76.7 71.2 60.5
1H NMR data:
Linkage Residue H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6
aDGlcp 5.33 3.54 3.90 3.57 3.77 3.77-3.80
1H/13C HSQC data:
Linkage Residue C1/H1 C2/H2 C3/H3 C4/H4 C5/H5 C6/H6
aDGlcp 99.7/5.33 71.6/3.54 73.4/3.90 76.7/3.57 71.2/3.77 60.5/3.77-3.80
1H NMR data:
Linkage | Residue | H1 | H2 | H3 | H4 | H5 | H6 |
| aDGlcp | 5.33 | 3.54 | 3.90 | 3.57 | 3.77 | 3.77 3.80 |
13C NMR data:
Linkage | Residue | C1 | C2 | C3 | C4 | C5 | C6 |
| aDGlcp | 99.7 | 71.6 | 73.4 | 76.7 | 71.2 | 60.5 |
There is only one chemically distinct structure: