Taxonomic group: bacteria, algae / Proteobacteria, Ochrophyta
(Phylum: Proteobacteria, Ochrophyta)
Publication DOI: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2009.04.036Journal NLM ID: 8307156Publisher: Elsevier
Correspondence: ekhong
Institutions: Department of Bioengineering and Technology, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, South Korea, School of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Kangwon National University, Chuncheon, South Korea
Recently, a number of bioactive molecules, including antitumor agents, have been identified in various higher basidiomycetes mushrooms. Polysaccharides are the best known and most potent mushroom derived substances that display immuno-pharmacological properties. In this study, the water soluble crude polysaccharide HEB-P, which was obtained from the liquid culture broth of Hericium erinaceus by ethanol precipitation, was fractionated by DEAE cellulose and Sepharose CL-6B column chromatography. This fractionation process resulted in two polysaccharide fractions that were termed HEB-NP Fr I and HEB-AP Fr I. Of the fractions, HEB-AP Fr I was able to upregulate the functional events mediated by activated macrophages, such as production of nitric oxide (NO) and expression of cytokines (IL-1β and TNF-α). Its structural characteristics were investigated by a combination of chemical and instrumental analyses, including methylation, reductive cleavage, acetylation, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR), and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Results indicate that HEB-AP Fr I was a low molecular mass polysaccharide with a laminarin-like triple helix conformation of the β-1,3-branched-β-1,2-mannan.
Hericium erinaceus, immunostimulating polysaccharide, laminarin-like triple helix, macrophage activation
Structure type: homopolymer
Location inside paper: Fig.6, A, curdlan, laminarin
Trivial name: glucan, β-1,3-glucan, curdlan, curdlan-type polysaccharide 13140, paramylon, curdlan, laminarin, β-glucan, curdlan, β-(1,3)-glucan, β-(1,3)-glucan, curdlan, curdlan, β-1,3-glucan, paramylon, reserve polysaccharide, b-glucan, β-1,3-D-glucan, laminaran, botryosphaeran, laminaran type β-D-glucan, latiglucan I, pachymaran, Curdlan, zymosan A, β-glucan, curdlan, laminarin, zymosan, zymosan, glucan particles, zymosan, β-(1-3)-glucan, β-(1,3)-glucan, β-(1,3)glucan, pachymaran, D-glucan (DPn)540, pachyman, laminaran, curdlan, zymosan, zymosan, β-(1,3)-glucan, zymosan A, zymosan, β-1,3-glucan, curdlan, β-1,3-glucan, curdlan, β-1,3-glucan, curdlan, pachyman, β-(1,3)-glucan, curdlan, callose, a water-insoluble β-(1→3)-glucan, fermentum β-polysaccharide, water-insoluble glucan, callose, laminarin, alkali-soluble β-glucan (PeA3), alkali-soluble polysaccharide (PCAP)
Compound class: EPS, O-polysaccharide, cell wall polysaccharide, lipophosphoglycan, glycoprotein, LPG, glucan, cell wall glucan, polysaccharide, glycoside, β-glucan, β-1, 3-glucan
Contained glycoepitopes: IEDB_1397514,IEDB_142488,IEDB_146664,IEDB_153543,IEDB_158555,IEDB_161166,IEDB_558869,IEDB_857743,IEDB_983931,SB_192
Methods: gel filtration, methylation, IR, GC-MS, ELISA, acid hydrolysis, HPLC, UV, extraction, RT-PCR, reduction, column chromatography, cell growth, determination of NO production, cell viability assay, ethanol precipitation, Bradford method, evaporation, complex formation with Congo Red, phenol–sulfuric acid assay, macrophage production, glucose assay, Elson–Morgan method, Blumenkrantz method
Related record ID(s): 44121
NCBI Taxonomy refs (TaxIDs): 511,
80365Reference(s) to other database(s): GTC:G51056AN, GlycomeDB:
157, CCSD:
50049, CBank-STR:4225, CA-RN: 51052-65-4, GenDB:FJ3380871.1
Show glycosyltransferases
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