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1. (CSDB ID: 44266)
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Netea MG, Gow NA, Munro CA, Bates S, Collins C, Ferwerda G, Hobson RP, Bertram G, Hughes HB, Jansen T, Jacobs L, Buurman ET, Gijzen K, Williams DL, Torensma R, McKinnon A, MacCallum DM, Odds FC, Van der Meer JW, Brown AJ, Kullberg BJ
Immune sensing of Candida albicans requires cooperative recognition of mannans and glucans by lectin and Toll-like receptors
Journal of Clinical Investigation 116(6) (2006) 1642-1650
Structure from CSDB record 44266 Show legend
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Candida albicans on a lifemap
(NCBI TaxID 5476, species name lookup)

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