Taxonomic group: fungi / Basidiomycota
(Phylum: Basidiomycota)
Organ / tissue: fruiting body
NCBI PubMed ID: 6966608Journal NLM ID: 0374672Publisher: Oxford, UK: Blackwell Scientific Publications
Institutions: Institute of Medical Microbiology, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, West Germany
Eight distinct polysaccharides (PS) of β-(1-3)-glucan type were tested for their capacity to render murine peritoneal exudate cells (PEC) cytotoxic. After intraperitoneal injection of lentinan, pachymaran and HE-pachyman 3 and 4 highly cytotoxic PEC were induced. Pachyman and HE-pachyman 1 and 2 were of moderate effect, whereas CM-pachymaran and HE-pachyman 3 and 4, highly cytotoxic PEC were induced. Pachyman and HE-pachymacrophages. The induction of PEC-dependent cytotoxicity exhibited a strict dose relationship. Optimal administration of PS resulted in the induction of cytotoxicity, which persisted for more than 25 days. Surprisingly, none of the PS tested was capable of rendering normal or thioglycollate-induced PEC cytoxic under in vitro conditions. It is suggested that the capacity of PS to render in vivo macrophages cytotoxic is related to the potency of these PS to activate the alternative pathway of complement system (APC) in so far as C3b may be the essential component required to render macrophages cytotoxic.
glucan, lentinan, T-cell immune adjuvants
Structure type: homopolymer
Location inside paper: pachymaran, p.552
Trivial name: glucan, β-1,3-glucan, curdlan, curdlan-type polysaccharide 13140, paramylon, curdlan, laminarin, β-glucan, curdlan, β-(1,3)-glucan, β-(1,3)-glucan, curdlan, curdlan, β-1,3-glucan, paramylon, reserve polysaccharide, b-glucan, β-1,3-D-glucan, laminaran, botryosphaeran, laminaran type β-D-glucan, latiglucan I, pachymaran, Curdlan, zymosan A, β-glucan, curdlan, laminarin, zymosan, zymosan, glucan particles, zymosan, β-(1-3)-glucan, β-(1,3)-glucan, β-(1,3)glucan, pachymaran, D-glucan (DPn)540, pachyman, laminaran, curdlan, zymosan, zymosan, β-(1,3)-glucan, zymosan A, zymosan, β-1,3-glucan, curdlan, β-1,3-glucan, curdlan, β-1,3-glucan, curdlan, pachyman, β-(1,3)-glucan, curdlan, callose, a water-insoluble β-(1→3)-glucan, fermentum β-polysaccharide, water-insoluble glucan, callose, laminarin, alkali-soluble β-glucan (PeA3), alkali-soluble polysaccharide (PCAP)
Compound class: EPS, O-polysaccharide, cell wall polysaccharide, lipophosphoglycan, glycoprotein, LPG, glucan, cell wall glucan, polysaccharide, glycoside, β-glucan, β-1, 3-glucan
Contained glycoepitopes: IEDB_1397514,IEDB_142488,IEDB_146664,IEDB_153543,IEDB_158555,IEDB_161166,IEDB_558869,IEDB_857743,IEDB_983931,SB_192
Methods: periodate oxidation, reduction with NaBH4, cytotoxicity assay, biological assay, carboxymethylation, hydroxyethylation
Biological activity: induced strongly cytotoxic peritoneal exudate cells within 3 days, after 6 days the cytotoxicity even appeared to be increased
Comments, role: pachyman red-ox product; also carboxymethylpachymaran and hydroxyethylpachyman was investigated
Related record ID(s): 45380, 45381, 45401
NCBI Taxonomy refs (TaxIDs): 81056Reference(s) to other database(s): GTC:G51056AN, GlycomeDB:
157, CCSD:
50049, CBank-STR:4225, CA-RN: 51052-65-4, GenDB:FJ3380871.1
Show glycosyltransferases
There is only one chemically distinct structure: