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1. (CSDB ID: 46311)
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Cheng LC, Wu TS, Wang JW, Wu SH, Chung MH, Kuo YM, Tsai CH
Production and isolation of chitosan from Aspergillus terreus and application in tin(II) adsorption
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 131(12) (2014) 40436
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Aspergillus terreus BCRC 32068 on a lifemap
(Ancestor NCBI TaxID 33178, species name lookup)
Aspergillus niger TISTR3245 on a lifemap
(Ancestor NCBI TaxID 5061, species name lookup)
Mucor circinelloides on a lifemap
(NCBI TaxID 36080, species name lookup)
Lentinus edodes on a lifemap
(NCBI TaxID 5353, species name lookup)
Cunninghamella elegans on a lifemap
(NCBI TaxID 4853, species name lookup)
Zygosaccharomyces rouxii TISTR5058 on a lifemap
(NCBI TaxID 4956, species name lookup)
Candida albicans TISTR5239 on a lifemap
(Ancestor NCBI TaxID 5476, species name lookup)
Cunninghamella bertholletiae on a lifemap
(NCBI TaxID 90251, species name lookup)

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