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1. (CSDB ID: 50305)
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Asif T, Javed U, Zafar SB, Ansari A, Qader SAU, Aman A
Bioconversion of colloidal chitin using novel chitinase from Glutamicibacter uratoxydans exhibiting anti-fungal potential by hydrolyzing chitin within fungal cell wall
Waste and Biomass Valorization 11 (2020) 4129–4143
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Aspergillus fumigatus KIBGE-IB33 on a lifemap
(Ancestor NCBI TaxID 746128, species name lookup)
Aspergillus flavus KIBGE-IB34 on a lifemap
(Ancestor NCBI TaxID 5059, species name lookup)
Aspergillus terreus KIBGE-IB35 on a lifemap
(Ancestor NCBI TaxID 33178, species name lookup)
Aspergillus niger KIBGE-IB36 on a lifemap
(Ancestor NCBI TaxID 5061, species name lookup)

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