Taxonomic group: plant / Streptophyta
(Phylum: Streptophyta)
Publication DOI: 10.1300/J044V07N02_09Journal NLM ID: 9302329Publisher: Binghamton Ny: Food Products Press
Institutions: Medi-Plant, White Rock, Canada
The high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) procedures commonly employed for the assay of ginsenosides in Panax quinquefolius L. (North American Ginseng) neglect assessment of acidic, mainly malonyl, ginsenosides. As such, total ginsenoside values for this species, in contrast with corresponding values for Panax ginseng C.A. Meyer (Asian Ginseng) in which the level of acidic ginsenosides is much lower, are usually gross underestimates of total ginsenoside content. Malonyl ginsenosides are readily susceptible to hydrolysis, a process accelerated by heat and catalyzed under both basic and acidic conditions. There can be little question that these acidic ginsenosides, more polar and water soluble than their neutral progenitors, are significant active constituents of ginseng root and should be as routinely evaluated as the seven or six neutral ginsenosides normally assessed.
analysis, medicinal plant, saponins, herb
Structure type: oligomer
Location inside paper: p. 105, fig. 1, Rh2
Trivial name: ginsenoside Rh2
Compound class: glycoside, triterpenoid glycoside
Contained glycoepitopes: IEDB_142488,IEDB_146664,IEDB_983931,SB_192
Methods: HPLC, extraction
Related record ID(s): 64787, 64788, 64789, 64790, 64791, 64792, 64793, 64794, 64795, 64796, 64797, 64798, 64799, 64801, 64802, 64803, 64804
NCBI Taxonomy refs (TaxIDs): 44588,
Show glycosyltransferases
There is only one chemically distinct structure: