Taxonomic group: plant / Streptophyta
(Phylum: Streptophyta)
NCBI PubMed ID: 10956156Publication DOI: 10.1021/jf000220wJournal NLM ID: 0374755Publisher: American Chemical Society
Correspondence: Mazzag
Institutions: Food Research Program, Pacific Agri-Food Research Centre, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Summerland, Canada
Methods for determining primary antioxidant activity were evaluated. A beta-carotene bleaching method and a free radical method using 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH(*)) were modified to rapidly test samples for potential antioxidant activity. Malonaldehyde production in a linoleic acid emulsion system assayed by an HPLC method was also used to determine antioxidant and prooxidant activities initiated by a metal catalyst (Cu(2+)). All methods were used to assess activity of selected phenolic compounds including several anthocyanidins/anthocyanins and selected berry extracts. Most phenolic compounds had prooxidant activity at low concentrations, unlike synthetic antioxidants (BHA and BHT). Compounds with similar structures exhibited comparable trends in antioxidant activity. Antioxidant activity usually increased with an increase in the number of hydroxyl groups and a decrease in glycosylation. The antioxidant activity of many phenolic compounds and extracts was comparable to those of synthetic antioxidants using the beta-carotene bleaching and HPLC methods.
Antioxidant activity, phenolics, flavonoids, anthocyanins, prooxidant activity, berry extracts
Structure type: oligomer
Trivial name: rutin, rutoside, rutin, quercetin rutinoside, rutoside, quercetin 3-O-rutinose, quercetin-3-O-rutinoside, quercetin 3-O-rutinoside
Compound class: saponin glycoside, glycoside, flavonoid glycoside, flavonol glycoside, flavone glycoside
Contained glycoepitopes: IEDB_136105,IEDB_142488,IEDB_144144,IEDB_146664,IEDB_225177,IEDB_885823,IEDB_983931,SB_192
Methods: HPLC, colorimetry, extraction, oxidation, antioxidant activities, evaporation
Related record ID(s): 65514, 65515, 65516, 65517, 65518, 65519, 65520, 65521, 65522, 65523
NCBI Taxonomy refs (TaxIDs): 33090Reference(s) to other database(s): CCSD:
50720, CBank-STR:3399
Show glycosyltransferases
There is only one chemically distinct structure: