Taxonomic group: bacteria / Proteobacteria
(Phylum: Proteobacteria)
Associated disease: infection due to Escherichia coli [ICD11:
NCBI PubMed ID: 8801416Journal NLM ID: 8712028Publisher: Blackwell Publishing
Correspondence: ISR
Institutions: Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Medical Sciences Building, University Road, University of Leicester, PO Box 138, Leicester LE1 9HN, UK, Max Planck-lnsUtut for Immunbiologie, D-7800 Freiburg-Zahringen, Germany
The nucleotide sequence of region 2 of the Escherichia coli K5 capsule gene cluster has been determined. This region, essential for the biosynthesis of the K5 polysaccharide, contained four genes, termed kfiA-D. The G + C ratio was 33.4%, which was lower than the typical G + C ratio for E. coli and that of the flanking regions 1 and 3 in the K5 capsule gene cluster. Three major RNA transcripts were detected within region 2 by Northern blotting and three promoters located by transcript mapping. Promoter activity was confirmed by promoter-probe analysis. The predicted amino acid sequence of KfiC had homology to a number of glycosyl transferase enzymes and overexpression of the KfiC gene resulted in increased K5 transferase activity. The predicted amino acid sequence of KfiD had homology to a number of NAD-dependent dehydrogenase enzymes and was demonstrated to be a UDP-glucose dehydrogenase that catalyses the information of UDP-glucuronic acid from UDP-glucose.
biosynthesis, polysaccharide, capsular polysaccharide, Escherichia, Escherichia coli, cluster, gene cluster, region, capsule, proteins
Structure type: polymer chemical repeating unit
Location inside paper: p.611
Trivial name: K5 polysaccharide, K-antigen, N-acetyl heparosan, heparosan (N-acetylheparosan), heparosan, heparosan (glycosaminoglycan GAG), K5 CPS, heparosan (K5-antigen), N-acetylheparosan
Compound class: EPS, K-antigen, CPS, polysaccharide
Contained glycoepitopes: IEDB_115136,IEDB_140630,IEDB_141807,IEDB_151531,IEDB_153764,IEDB_423153
Methods: genetic methods
Biosynthesis and genetic data: genetic data, biosynthetic data
NCBI Taxonomy refs (TaxIDs): 562Reference(s) to other database(s): GTC:G26089XS, GlycomeDB:
Show glycosyltransferases
There is only one chemically distinct structure: