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1. Compound ID: 8742
-4)-a-D-Glcp-(1-4)-b-D-Galp-(1-4)-b-D-Glcp-(1-3)-b-D-GlcpNAc-(1- |
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Structure type: polymer biological repeating unit
Compound class: O-polysaccharide, O-antigen
Contained glycoepitopes: IEDB_135813,IEDB_136044,IEDB_137340,IEDB_137472,IEDB_141794,IEDB_141807,IEDB_142487,IEDB_142488,IEDB_144998,IEDB_144999,IEDB_146664,IEDB_151531,IEDB_190606,IEDB_241118,IEDB_983931,SB_165,SB_166,SB_187,SB_192,SB_195,SB_6,SB_7,SB_88
The structure is contained in the following publication(s):
- Article ID: 3795
Vilchez S, Lundborg M, Urbina F, Weintraub A, Widmalm G "Structural studies of the O-antigenic polysaccharides from the enteroaggregative Escherichia coli strain 94/D4 and the international type strain Escherichia coli O82" -
Carbohydrate Research 344(18) (2009) 2528-2532
The structure of the O-antigen polysaccharides (PS) from the enteroaggregative Escherichia coli strain 94/D4 and the international type strain E. coli O82 have been determined. Component analysis and (1)H, (13)C, and (31)P NMR spectroscopy experiments were employed to elucidate the structure. Inter-residue correlations were determined by (1)H, (13)C-heteronuclear multiple-bond correlation, and (1)H, (1)H-NOESY experiments. D-GroA as a substituent is linked via its O-2 in a phosphodiester-linkage to O-6 of the α-D-Glcp residue. The PS is composed of tetrasaccharide repeating units with the following structure: →4)-α-D-Glcp6-(P-2-D-GroA)-(1→4)-β-D-Galp-(1→4)-β-D-Glcp-(1→3)-β-D-GlcpNAc-(1→ Cross-peaks of low intensity from an α-D-Glcp residue were present in the NMR spectra and spectral analysis indicates that they originate from the terminal residue of the polysaccharide. Consequently, the biological repeating unit has a 3-substituted N-acetyl-D-glucosamine residue at its reducing end. Enzyme immunoassay using specific anti-E. coli O82 rabbit sera showed identical reactivity to the LPS of the two strains, in agreement with the structural analysis of their O-antigen polysaccharides.
Lipopolysaccharide, NMR, Escherichia coli, biological repeating unit, glyceric acid
NCBI PubMed ID: 19836728Journal NLM ID: 0043535Publisher: Elsevier
Correspondence: G. Widmalm
Institutions: Department of Organic Chemistry, Arrhenius Laboratory, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, Karolinska Institute, Department of Laboratory Medicine, Division of Clinical Microbiology, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua Leon, Nicaragua, Department of Physiological Sciences, Division of Biochemistry, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN) León, Nicaragua
Methods: 13C NMR, 1H NMR, NMR-2D, EIA, 31P NMR, GLC, composition analysis, NMR-1D
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