3 glycosyltransferase activities have been found.
Please note that CSDB GT database covers only a few species: Arabidopsis thaliana, Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Acinetobacter baumannii.
Enzyme / Gene | Activity | Object | References |
Enzyme name: WzyK52 Enzyme GenBank ID: AHB32334.1 Gene name: wzy | Synthesized dimer: bDGalpN(1-3)bDGalp Donor (ID 35669): Ac(1-2)?DGalpN(1-P-P-5)xXnucU Acceptor (ID 36202): -3)[Ac(1-2)bDManpN(1-4)aDGalp(1-4)]bDGalp(1-3)[Ac(1-2)]bDGalpN(1- Status: predicted in silico Confirmation methods: Sequencing (gene, protein) ID: 3505 Notes: gene cluster name: PSgc18, KL52; name was augmented to make it unique | Organism (ID 16985): Acinetobacter baumannii LUH5546 Exact full structure is unknownCSDB ID(s): 483, 6702, 27750, 29559, 30586, 30932 Molecule role: CPS | Hu et al. 2013 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0070329 |
Enzyme name: WzyK2 Enzyme GenBank ID: AHM95427.1 Gene name: wzy Gene cluster ID: KJ459911 | Synthesized dimer: bDGalpN(1-3)bDGalp Donor (ID 36233): Ac(1-5)[Ac(1-7)]?XPsep(2-6)bDGlcp(1-6)bDGalp(1-3)[Ac(1-2)]bDGalpN(1-P-P-1)Subst // Subst = undecaprenol Acceptor (ID 36234): -3)[Ac(1-5)[Ac(1-7)]?XPsep(2-6)bDGlcp(1-6)]bDGalp(1-3)[Ac(1-2)]bDGalpN(1- Status: predicted in silico Confirmation methods: Sequencing (gene, protein) ID: 3529 Notes: gene cluster name: KL2, PSgc12 | Organism (ID 6775,6994): Acinetobacter baumannii ACICU, A74 Full structure (ID 11615): CSDB ID(s): 1362, 2304, 6701, 9744, 30077, 30130, 30766, 30859, 30942 Molecule role: CPS | Kenyon et al. 2014 DOI: 10.1093/glycob/cwu024 |
Enzyme name: WzyK93 Enzyme GenBank ID: DAC80125.1 Gene name: wzy | Synthesized dimer: bDGalpN(1-3)bDGalp Donor (ID 36322): lR3HOBut(1-7)[Ac(1-5)]bXPsep(2-6)aDGalp(1-6)bDGalp(1-3)[Ac(1-2)]bDGalpN(1-P-P-1)Subst // Subst = undecaprenol Acceptor (ID 36323): -3)[lR3HOBut(1-7)[Ac(1-5)]bXPsep(2-6)aDGalp(1-6)]bDGalp(1-3)[Ac(1-2)]bDGalpN(1- Status: predicted in silico Confirmation methods: Sequencing (gene, protein) ID: 3624 Notes: gene cluster name: KL93 | Organism (ID 7307): Acinetobacter baumannii B11911 Full structure (ID 12565): CSDB ID(s): 2307, 6703, 9741, 11914, 21182 Molecule role: CPS | Kasimova et al. 2017 DOI: 10.1134/S0006297917040101 |